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Homeless children and their families need your help now.
Your gift today offers families facing homelessness the promise of home. Family Promise of Mid Michigan helps families through a housing crisis, providing homelessness prevention, emergency shelter, workforce development, education, financial capability, health and wellness, and so much more.
How Can I get Help?Call us at (810) 234-9444. Click here to complete our online help request.
Why Donate?We help children and their families rebuild their future - many times from the ground up. Did you know that FPGC helps fathers with male children over the age of 12 to stay with the rest of the family? pets not to be displaced (or become homeless) when families come into shelter? are actively working to prevent family homelessness?
How is Family Promise of Genesee County Funded?Family Promise of Genesee County is funded entirely through grants, both community and judicatory, and fundraisers. The largest part of our funding comes from individual donors. They are part of our network and have come to know us through volunteer opportunities or fundraising events they have attended. Many times those donors introduce us to their friends, family, and business relationships because they are passionate about giving a family a hand up out of their situation. Our local business sponsors, have generously given to us since we started our journey in 2014, many of them still actively participating today.
Is my Donation Tax Deductible?Family Promise of Genesee County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. This means that when you make a contribution to us and you have not received anything in return for your gift, you are eligible for a deduction when you file your taxes.
How do you use my donation?More than 90% of our funding goes directly into programs to prevent homelessness, shelter families, and stabilize them for long-term success. Your donation is a direct investment in families at risk of or experiencing the trauma of homelessness.
What happens if the weather is not sunshine and roses?A little rain won’t stop our Give Me Shelter 5K! If there are major weather warnings in Genesee County during the weekend of the event, check the event webpage, Facebook page and stay tuned for emails with updates. If severe weather does threaten the event, we have prepared some weather cancellation policies and guidelines. Click here to learn more.
Can spectators attend the post-race Awards?Absolutely! We welcome all participants and spectators at our Give Me Shelter 5K.
How do I get my bib?Early Pickup and Registration Complete Runner Click here for directions to Complete Runner Friday before the race 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm SAME DAY Registration Begins at 7:00 a.m. Abernathy Regional Park Click here for directions
Broadcast of CancellationIf Event is canceled more than 24 hours before the start time, we will notify all participants by email. If Event is canceled less than 24 hours before the start time: We will notify all participants by email. We will also send a text to all participants who agreed to receive notification text messages during the registration process. If Event is canceled during the actual event, on-course volunteers will be notified and participants will be directed to seek appropriate shelter. In addition, on-site notification will be posted.
Can I transfer my registration to another person?We are a timed event and registrations are non-transferable. Bibs are assigned to each registrant by gender and age.
WEATHER POLICYThe Event takes place rain or shine. If weather or other unforeseeable conditions are deemed by the Race Director and City Officials to be potentially hazardous to participants and volunteers, the organizers reserve the right to postpone the start time or cancel the event outright. If it is necessary to cancel the event, it will be determined before the start of the race. There will be no refunds or deferrals for weather cancellation. *There are no refunds*
What if I want to see previous Results?Results will be posted continuously during the event for review. Final results will be posted promptly after the event. 2021: 5K Run/5K Results COVID: Virtual Run 2019: 5K Run/5K Results 2018: 5K Run/Walk Results 2017: 5K Run/Walk Results 2016: 5K Run | 5K Walk 2015: 5K Run | 5K Walk 2014: Searchable
Threatening Weather ConditionsThe Give Me Shelter 5K may be canceled or delayed if any of the following weather conditions exist: Tornado Warning Tornado Watch Thunderstorm “Heavy” Rain, Snowmageddon - it is Michigan - you never know, it could happen! Any other major weather conditions
What if I have an ADA need?If you have an ADA need, please contact us here.
Are there refunds?As a non-profit, the logistics of setting up and planning the Give Me Shelter 5K make it impossible to issue refunds if the race is not held. If for some reason, you can’t make it to race day, at least come to the Packet Pick up to receive your free swag and say hi to us! If you miss picking up in advance, you can contact us HERE to pick it up. Due to the weight of the medal we are unable to ship the items to you.
When does ONLINE registration close?Online registration closes, at 11:59 pm, the night before packet pick-up.
When does early registration end?Discounted early registration closes (annually) on July 15th.
Can I run with my dog or kitty cat?For the safety of our runners and animal friends, we only allow registered service animals at our race.
What is included with my registration?Our limited edition, custom t-shirt, and a medal for all participants are included with your paid registration.
Are cameras and phones safe to have on or around the course?You are welcome to take pictures during the race – but please be mindful of all competitors. Our race is a timed event, and we do have serious runners and speed walkers racing against the clock! Side note, if it rains, we suggest using a protective wrap for all cameras/phones.
Authority to Cancel the EventThe Race Director, along with the city and the local law enforcement, has the authority to cancel the event. If threatening weather conditions force cancellation of the event, no refunds can be provided. In the event of cancellation, all registered participants will receive an email with information on how they can still receive their race packet and participation medal.
Is The Give Me Shelter 5K a charity or a non-profit organization?Family Promise of Genesee County is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. To learn more about how we help homeless children and their families click here.
Do I need to be an awesome runner to do this?Oh, my goodness, NO! Even though we are a competitively timed race, we have room on our course for everyone! Our race is about supporting homeless children and their families. You will see friends, family, and kiddos out there running to support others in their community! You can run, walk, crawl, or dare we say cartwheel if you wish!
Still have a question? No worries!Please click here to contact us and we will get back to you with an answer.
Weather Cancellation PoliciesGive Me Shelter 5K participant safety is important to us! If any of the threatening weather conditions listed below are present the day of the event, the event may be delayed or canceled. When weather conditions or other physical conditions present a danger to participants, The Give Me Shelter 5K Run officials reserve the right to cancel the event. Less threatening conditions may cause alterations of the course or the post event festivities to ensure participant, volunteer, and community safety. Such conditions fall under the label “Acts of God,” and will not result in refunding of any race entry fees or future event credits.
Can children participate?Absolutely! There are two options for Kids. We have our “Superhero Fun Run” that kicks off our event at 8:00 am Click here to register An under 18 category for runners or walkers Click here to register
Is The Give Me Shelter 5K timed?Our event is timed by Newton Timing who uses ChronoTrack Live to manage registration and results.
Can someone else pick up my packet for me?You bet! Send them with a printed or electronic copy of your confirmation email, so we are sure to give the right bib, t-shirt, and gifts! If you are redeeming a CRIM voucher - please send it with them.
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